Jerry Jackson Realty

Jerry Jackson Realty


Jerry Jackson Realty

1309 N Main St
Harrison, AR 72601 | View on Google Maps
(870) 741-5005 | fax: (870) 741-6700

Since every Realtor® operates as an Independent Contractor (not an employee), the size of the company has little impact on how the Realtor® gets the job done. Independent firms almost always offer more personalized, flexible plans and services tailored to your specific needs. Jerry Jackson Realty has been in business for many years providing our clients with excellent service! All of our agents constantly think "out of the box" to get the job done. Jerry Jackson Realty has been an innovator in most of the "out of the box" marketing techniques used by other realtors in our area, including those adopted by national chains. Our top-notch marketing plan along with knowledgeable and experienced agents is the reason Jerry Jackson Realty remains a top-selling agency year after year! Call us today, we're always here to help you! At Jerry Jackson Realty, we are selling Harrison, one house at a time!

Investor Since: 2002
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