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4/1/2020 In the Loop

April: From the President/CEO




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Nearing the end of the month, we certainly look forward to April and a renewal of our city, county, state, nation and world from the devastation of the COVID-19 crisis. We hope that the action taken late this week in Washington for a stimulus package for individuals and businesses is a giant leap forward. And while I wish I could simply say ‘it’s over’ and we’d wake up tomorrow and all’s well, I don’t believe that’s going to happen. My opinion, having lived through a national crisis in my lifetime and seeing the protracted recovery that’s required, I believe we’re in for several more weeks, maybe months, of tough going, pointing to a ‘new normal.’ I hope I’m wrong…

What’s the ‘new normal’ going to look like? It’s difficult to say, but I believe it’ll be one that centers around community and engagement, working to help others, especially in the business community.

The past two-plus weeks we’ve been busy collaborating with organizations locally, statewide and nationally, and serving as a focal point for the community. Our website,, and social media platforms have had thousands of hits as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for announcements and resources locally about the disruption caused by COVID-19. Businesses have reached out every day to learn about changes to unemployment insurance and SBA loans, and with basic business questions. We’ve stayed busy answering those calls, in between daily videoconferences learning the latest, then providing this information to our investors and the community at large.

Supporting local as consumers and businesses is more important now than ever. Buying outside the Harrison-Boone County community to save a few pennies hurts the people who live and work in our local businesses.

We’re especially proud of the Chamber’s Restaurant Gift Card program, giving cash to local eateries - investor or not - when the public buys a gift card to use later in their favorite restaurant. You have generated thousands of dollars for our local small businesses and their workforce…thank you! We know they appreciate your support.

And as you’re aware, many community and Chamber events have been postponed. Please check our website and social media, and those of local organizations, for updates. The next several months will likely having us all adjusting to social distancing, more handwashing…and juggling calendars.

One thing we do know: when the going gets tough in the Ozarks, we stick together! Neighbors helping neighbors. Businesses helping businesses. Look around. Talk to your friends. It’s happening every day. That makes us a great community in which to live, work, play and retire.

Taking care of business…as we help flatten the curve! We are #believeboonecounty! Cheers, Bob

REL photo Nov 2019 Robert “Bob” Largent


Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce